Best Scariest Costume Certificate Templates

School is the place where pebbles are polished and transforms into precious stones over years of hard work and continuous efforts. These gems then set out in the world and rule it on their own terms but also remember their limits. Schools and their education do not only prepare students in their career establishment but also impart high values and moral ethics which them to live their best lives.

In addition to studies, schools conduct various other events to help their students to take part in extracurricular activities and enjoy a healthy body and mind. These events are sometimes based on national celebrations while other events are mostly celebrated to help students enjoy a good time with their friends and families.

One such event is the celebration of Halloween where all students are supposed to wear the costumes of horror characters of history, be it real, animated, or fictional. Students struggle to look the most horrific because of the award of the best scariest costume certificate which is presented at the end of the event each year. In addition, a picture of the winner is also displayed in the hall of fame of the school, and it stays there for years.

Certificates are official documents or awards issued by the administration to celebrate students and their achievements. These awards are handed to the students in front of their friends and families. The certificate of the best scariest costume is given to only one candidate each year and all the students are eager to receive it. Although many students are nominated for the event only one winner is selected and handed the certificate.

These certificates have minimal designing and carry the following content,

  • Name of winner
  • Grade
  • Picture
  • Reason for award
  • Name of school
  • Logo of school
  • Date
  • Signature of teacher
  • Signature of Principal


Design of these certificates is minimal and can be prepared easily by the administration. Most of the schools opt for a design and use it for years. These designs use dark colors to give it a horror look and to make it scary, red eyes or black masks are also designed on the certificates.

Templates of the scariest costume certificates are also available on this page and can be used easily after downloading. Required information about the school and student is filled on the template and it can be used. Using templates provide many options and ca new certificate can be used each year.

Many schools hire designers for designing a customized certificates each year that cannot be used by any other institution. These designers can be hired for a project or permanently.


At every level, award certificates hold a special value due to various reasons. Significance of best scariest costume certificate can be evaluated from following points,

  • It boosts the confidence of students and allow them to strive to be the winner
  • It motivates other students to perform their best
  • It helps in participating in extracurricular activities
  • Winners are motivated to perform better each year so that they maintain their position

Sample Templates

Size: 3MB Word .docx File Version 2007/later


Size: 4MB Word .docx File Version 2007/later


Size: 4MB Word .docx File Version 2007/later


Size: 4MB Word .docx File Version 2007/later


Size: 4MB Word .docx File Version 2007/later


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