Handwashing Award Certificate Templates Editable with Word

A handwashing award certificate is a verifying document, which states that the receiving individual has observed the practice of washing his/her hands properly, as directed and needed. Such certificates can be issued by schools, community centers, or even the parents. These are given to the students or kids, who have followed the guidelines of washing hands.

It is essential to wash the hands frequently to avoid germs, which may lead to various illnesses and diseases. As the children are small, they need to be taught about the consequences of keeping their hands dirty, especially in the current pandemic of COVID-19. To inculcate a habit in the children, various certificates of appreciation and awards are often opted for, as a motivation. Therefore, to push the children to adopt the habit of washing their hands properly and frequently, handwashing award certificates are issued.

A few of the main purposes of such certificates are:

  • To appreciate and acknowledge the child for the hand washing practice.
  • To make the child feel valued for a good habit.
  • To motivate the child to keep the practice intact.
  • To motivate other children to follow the suit, etc.

The handwashing certificates are issued on hard paper. As they are, usually, given to small children, they are designed in an attractive way, by using bright colors and pleasing images. The font is also chosen, so that it is captivating enough, yet it needs to be legible. 

Usually, the institutions prepare a template, or make a template from a free source, and customize it as desired. Having a template makes the issuance of these certificates easy and quick. Every time the certificate needs to be issued, the particulars of the receiving individual are edited in the available template, which saves a lot of time, especially, when a large number of certificates are to be given.

When the handwashing award certificates are being finalized, the design is chosen based on the issuing authority. For instance, if a school is issuing such a certificate, it would be more formal and professional as compared to the one that is given by a parent, as an appreciation to his child. Similarly, the information presented on such certificates would vary as well. However, generally, the following details are included in the handwashing award certificates:

  • Date of issuance.
  • Title of the certificate.
  • Name of the receiver.
  • Name and signature of the issuing authority.
  • Details of the issuing authority.
  • Certifying statement.
  • Congratulatory and appreciatory note.
  • Any attractive images or slogans.
  • Stamp of the issuing authority.

The receiving individual of such certificates would feel happy, that his good habit and practice have been acknowledged and appreciated. He would also feel motivated to continue washing his hands frequently. In addition, in order to get such a certificate, other children would also try to adopt this good and healthy habit. This would lead to overall improved hygiene and a decreased number of illnesses and diseases.

Sample Templates

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Size: 4MB Word .docx File Version 2007/later


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