Preschool Award Certificate Templates for Word

School is the place where pebbles are polished and transformed into precious stones, that is unmatchable. A school takes in a very young child lacking all the attributes and in addition to knowledge and education, impart morals and values. There are institutions for all age groups of a person’s life so that nobody is devoid of the basic knowledge that helps them survive in this world peacefully.

Preschools are the institutions that are designated for young children ranging in age from 3-5 years. They prepare children for school in a comfortable environment and allow them to learn through activities and also make friends outside their home. There are no specific uniforms for pre-schoolers and the timing to attend is also flexible. It allows children to learn and enjoy through fun and games.

What is a preschool award certificate?

Award certificates are official documents handed over by the administration of preschool to kids for amazing performances in activities or skills. Activities may include games, coloring, painting, shapes assortment, learning, and much more. All the teachers are trained to take care of kids and make them feel at home so that they don’t cry and have fear of going to school later.

What information is needed for a preschool certificate?

Information on award certificates is minimal as pre-schoolers are least interested in formal documents but they have the following basic information,

  • Name of student
  • Grade
  • Name of teacher
  • Reason of award
  • Name of Preschool
  • Logo of Preschool
  • Date
  • Signature of Teacher
  • Signature of Principal

Preschool award certificates are crafted carefully to make them appealing for kids. Some points that are considered while designing are mentioned below,

  • Certificates are full of colours and animated characters to make them fun
  • Font size and style are funky so that kids take interest
  • Pictures of kids are added on the certificates to make them more likeable
  • Certificates are also adorned with stickers of cartoons and superheroes

Designing of a preschool award certificate

Award certificates can be designed by the teachers themselves as mostly all the certificates are different and have different animations. They appeal more to kids rather than a formal document of the school. They take care of things that feel fun and good to them.

Templates for certificate designs are also provided on the internet in a variety from butterflies to horror characters. All the efforts are performed to make them attractive and fun for the children. These templates are created by teachers of some other schools and they make them available on the internet so that more and more teachers can be benefitted from them.

Preschool can also hire a designer for customizing certificates for their bright students and hand them when required. These designers also keep the preferences of kids in mind while designing their certificates.


These award ceremonies have a significant role in the lives of pre-schoolers for the following reasons,

  • Award certificates are handed to the student in ceremonies where student feel appreciated
  • It motivates other kids to do better
  • It boost the morale of students to continue performing good
  • It vanishes the fear of being in school away from parents
  • It help them gain confidence and participate in extracurricular activities

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