Speech and Debate Competition Award Certificate

The education system of every country strives to shape young brains toward creativity. The aim is to aspire them from a young age so that they get to do great things and achieve far bigger goals than their ancestors. In addition to academic activities, non-academic activities like sports and debates are encouraged a lot to sharpen their minds to think creatively.

Speech and debate competitions are organized to promote awareness about particular subjects and students are encouraged to participate wholeheartedly. These speeches are evaluated based on a number of factors i.e. delivery, vocabulary, content, and timing. Mostly, winners of these competitions are awarded prizes and certificates to encourage their participation.

The award certificates

The speech and debate competition award certificate is an official document provided to the participant by higher management as a token of appreciation. These awards motivate non-participants to take part in such activities and get appreciated by other people for their talent and skills.

Mostly, speech and debate competitions are organized at the academic level to promote robust thinking in students, but these award shows are also organized globally to invite people for sharing their thoughts and language regardless of cultural, racial, and other barriers.

Adding contents to a certificate

Contents of award certificates are usually similar because of their purpose to appreciate one’s efforts but their contents may change slightly due to the policies of competition organizers.

The following information is mentioned on the speech and debate competition certificate,

  • Winner’s information: name, the title of the speech, age, and profession are mentioned on the certificate to easily recognize a winner.
  • Organizers information: since these award competitions are organized at the provisional or country level as well, therefore, they are handled by organizers. The name, logo, contact information, and other related details are mentioned on the certificate.
  • Title: title of the award is mentioned on the certificate.
  • Date: date, time, and location of the award show are mentioned on every certificate.

Speech and debate competition award certificates are considered important because of various reasons,

  • Since a certificate is considered an appreciation, it motivates participants to perform better and better.
  • It also encourages non-participants to take part in such activities.
  • Certificates and awards make it possible to spread awareness about such competitions and their benefits to the young generation.
  • Speech and debate competitions can also be used to spread awareness about alarming topics within a particular society.
  • Furthermore, competitions bring people together regardless of their social, financial, and physical differences.
  • A community of like-minded people has the ability to change a narrative for good.
  • Certificates can be added to resumes for securing a good job.
  • Certificate from renowned awards functions is considered worthy for participants.

Designing a certificate

Designs of certificates are selected with utmost care and are equipped with the following features,

  • Certificates use a light color background with dark-colored ink for the text.
  • Most certificates are adorned with borders which are usually simple and colored.
  • Certificates are usually concise and provide limited information.
  • Text on the certificate is a combination of different sizes of the same fonts to put emphasis on specific words.

Editable Templates

Best debater certificate template

List of editable Word template

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