Good Friend Certificates for MS Word

Every person in the universe is blessed with loved ones, who keep them safe and happy. Sometimes, these people are the members of your family, who would do anything to keep you protected while many times, these people are the ones whom you get to know through life and spend a major portion of your life with them.

These people are your friends, they are basically known as the family chosen by you. They can be anywhere in our school, mall, neighborhood, or subway and we meet them when destiny plans us to meet. Real friends stay with you throughout your life and help you survive the toughest and hardest parts of life.

Good friends are a complete blessing in disguise because they are loyal, understand you, and never judges you. They understand your situation and give good advice that can prove beneficial to you at the time. They are always there for you and provide silent support whenever needed.

A certificate is an official document that is handed over to the recipient as a token of appreciation and keep up the good work. Certificates are passed on by the administration of any organization or institution to applaud the efforts of hard-working people and nominate them in front of others because it works very well for them.

Good friend certificates are usually used for fun and children’s activities. Some of the kindergarten or preschools, conduct friendship activities to allow students to make more friends and spend quality time with them. These gestures of friendships are appreciated to help them in making more friends and letting them be open and confident.

These certificates can be celebrated in any event organized by the preschool, or they can arrange special events for the kids to celebrate. For the event, friends and families of the kids are invited and in front of them, certificates are given to the children in their friendship pairs.


The designs of these certificates are simple but colorful. Some of the key points that should be kept in mind before designing are given below,

  • Use lots of colours to attract children
  • Funky font styles can be tried as it catches attention of kids
  • Cartoon characters can be designed on the certificates
  • Characters symbolising friendship can be a great addition
  • Do not make certificates boring by using dark and dull colours

These certificates can be hand-painted or designed by the kindergarten teachers as they are qualified and very creative. Most of the certificates are hand-made to add favorites and show their seriousness in the task.

Moreover, templates of certificate designs are also available on the internet which can easily be used after filling in the required information. These designs are free of cost and can be downloaded and printed in a matter of minutes. They may be used by hundreds of other people as well because of their free availability.

Many templates on the internet are charged a fee and can only be downloaded after paying the required amount. Template providers earn money through this act.

Sample Templates

Good Friend Certificate Template

Size: 6MB Word .docx File Version 2007/later

Good Friend Certificate Template

Size: 5MB Word .docx File Version 2007/later

Good Friend Certificate Template

Size: 4MB Word .docx File Version 2007/later

Good Friend Certificate Template

Size: 4MB Word .docx File Version 2007/later

Good Friend Certificate Template

Size: 5MB Word .docx File Version 2007/later

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