Star of the Week Certificates

One of the biggest challenges every teacher faces in class is the indiscipline and misbehavior of kids. Those teachers who cannot manage the indiscipline in the class often fail to deliver the lecture effectively. This results in reduced learning in the classroom. This is a big problem that needs to be addressed in an efficacious way. There are different ways in which students with bad behavior and discipline issues are tackled by teachers and management of the school. One of those ways or strategies is the use of the star of the week certificate.

It is a proud moment for every student to have achieved the title of the star of the week in the school. The word star here refers to the shining and bright student. Every student strives to be called the star. This certificate brings happiness to all the students.

What is the star of the week certificate?

The star of the week certificate is a kind of reward certificate which is awarded to those students who show better performance in the class as compared to other students in the class. These days, the use of this certificate has become so common that teachers have added them to their strategy that they use to manage the behavior of their students.

What is the benefit of using the star of the week certificate?

When this certificate is used, a teacher ensures that students who have shown better performance and behavior throughout the week are appreciated. When pupils are appreciated, they get motivated and also motivate other students also. Using these certificates is fun as it allows teachers to make students behave well. Teachers can make use of these certificates in a friendly environment in class which will make learning enjoyable for students while teaching them good behavior at the same time.

The purpose of such certificates is not just to make students show discipline for the time period of a week. As a matter of fact, when a student behaves well for a week, he starts developing the habit of good behavior and also starts learning the good things that come to him just because of the good behavior. In this way, we can see the innumerable benefits of the star of the week certificate.

How does this certificate work?

First of all, the teacher announces in the class that a student with the best behavior will be awarded the certificate. To earn the certificate, every student tries to behave well. It is the responsibility of the teacher to define the standard that a student must meet to claim that he deserves to get that certificate. When any student in the class behaves best, the teacher awards him the certificate. Other students also find it attractive and they also try to behave well so that they can also win this certificate. Students can keep this certificate to show the world how disciplined they are in the classroom.

A teacher can easily make the best use of these certificates by simply attractively designing them. Customizable certificate templates can be downloaded that allow the teacher to customize them according to what he/she likes. To make the certificate more worthy of the student’s attention and time, some teachers also give gifts to students.

What kind of encouragement does the certificate bring to the students?

Pupils in a school and classroom are expected to show discipline and behave well. For some reason, a teacher can’t teach discipline to certain students. Such students can be made to earn the star of the week certificate by performing well.

The certificate is adorned with different embellishments just to make it appealing for the students. Some teachers also add the sticker of the favorite cartoon character of the student who is going to get that certificate. This makes him happy and he tries to earn that certificate again.  

What information can be added?

The star of the week certificate includes the following details:

  1. Title of the certificate
  2. Name of the student receiving the certificate
  3. Reason for earning the certificate
  4. Appreciation line for the student such as ‘’well done’’
  5. Date of issuing the certificate
  6. Signatures of teacher issuing the certificate

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