Writing Award Certificates

A writing award certificate is a document of appreciation, that is issued by an authority or organization, which has either organized a writing competition or wants to appreciate an individual for his/her good writing. The certificate is issued to the person, who has won a writing competition, and/or has good writing skills. The writing award certificate is given to certify and appreciate those writing skills and endorse the fact that the individual can write well.

When an individual is good at writing, appreciation will boost his morale, and he will be motivated to write even better. A very common way of appreciation, that is often adopted, is the issuance of certificates. A writing award certificate can be issued by:

  • An authority or organization, that has arranged a competition.
  • A school.
  • Parents, who wants to recognize their children’s writing skills. Although the validity of this sort is limited, but it does serve the purpose of appreciation and motivation.

Sometimes, the certificates for good writing are issued, when someone wins a competition or is a position holder in a competition. However, at other times, these are also issued simply as an appreciation, even if there has been no competition. For instance, at the end of an annual term, a school might issue one to the student, who has good writing abilities.

The writing award certificates should be designed and drafted properly in a professional manner, with the correct and required information, without being wordy. There are many templates available for writing award certificates online as well as in the programs, such as Microsoft Word. They are readily and freely available and are easily editable.

On the other hand, the issuing party can design the template itself as well. The authority, that is issuing the certificate, can draft one as per its requirements as well as the details of the competition. However, generally, the following information is presented on a writing award certificate:

  • Date of issuance.
  • Name and details of the individual.
  • Name of the authority or organization.
  • Logo, slogan, or other details of the issuing party.
  • Certifying statement for good writing.
  • Purpose of certificate.
  • Details of the competition, if any.
  • Position held, if any.
  • Signature of the issuing authority.

Usually, these certificates are designed in a formal manner. However, the choice of colors, design, and font depending on the type of receiver as well as the type of competition. For instance, if a school is drafting a certificate for its students, the colors and design would be vibrant, as opposed to the one issued by a research organization to its writers. Irrespective of that, the certificates should be attractive and eye-catching, and the paper used for printing should be of good quality as well.

These certificates of appreciation may prove to be motivating for the receivers, who feel encouraged to write even better. They are kept in the receiver’s record and can add to their credentials. As they certify the receiver’s writing skills, they can be used as evidence to indicate one’s good writing.

Sample Templates

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