Employee of the Month/Year Certificate Templates

If an employee shows the continues dedication to his work, he deserves to be appreciated. The employee of the year/month certificate is used for showing appreciation for hardworking and diligent employees.

In many organizations, there are different ways in which the employees are appreciated, such as increment in the salary or bonus. However, using the employee of the year/month certificate is considered as a perfect way to reward the employee who has been working hard for a month or year.

For an organization, the best way to reward the employee is to issue him a certificate. It is a responsibility of the organization to make the employee feel valued and appreciated whenever he does anything useful and productive for the company.

An employee getting appreciation in a number of ways never runs out of steam. Rather, he is always ready for doing something more productive than what he has already been doing.

What is the purpose of this certificate?

Awarding the employee of the month/year certificate lets the employee know that he is the major part of the team of the organization. He gets a motivation for years to come in his career.

In many organizations, an employee of the month program is started in which the employees showing exceptional performance are awarded a certificate. The purpose of this certificate is to appreciate the loyalty and services of the employee in order to keep them satisfied with their job.

Many companies also issue this certificate because they are afraid of employee turnover. When the turnover of an employee occurs, the company faces a huge loss. So most of the organizations try to avoid such situation and keep appreciating their employees so that they maintain their productivity and improve their performance

Benefits of giving the certificate?

Companies use these certificates due to many reasons. These certificates are equally beneficial for the employee and the organization. The key benefits that can be availed are

  1. This certificate is a type of appreciation certificate which is used to give recognition to the employee for his work.
  2. When the company issues this certificate to a particular employee, other employees also try to earn it. In this way, a healthy competitive environment is developed in the company.
  3. Dissatisfied employees are more likely to leave their job. When a company wants to boost the retention rate, it can start awarding the employees with this certificate in order to retain them
  4. The companies also ensure the productivity of the employee by awarding this certificate.


Appreciate your best-performing employees with the customizable template by personalizing to make it look more congruent to your needs. Add a personal touch to the template and print it in no time. The professional-looking certificate is ready to be used that saves the time of the person that he would have wasted on creating the certificate from scratch otherwise.

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